Posh Fish and Chips

When we return to UK for a visit one place I just have to go to, and I’m not ashamed to admit it, is the Fish and Chip Shop. For me there is nothing quite like eating out of the paper; I do though find that a whole portion is too much now and I’ll happily share with someone else.

Here in Nicaragua the fish is plentiful and good and I have discovered how to make an excellent batter for the filleted fish I buy in the market; so even here fish and chips is on the menu. As long as this part of the meal is balanced with 80% of the plate consisting of salad and steamed greens it can be considered a healthy dish and worthy of being part of 80/20living.

Here is an example of how a plate could look:

Posh Fish and Chips

Posh Fish and Chips

For this, my posh version of fish and chips, I have prepared roasted sweet potatoes and ten minutes before they are ready to come out of the oven I have put in the salmon, covered with foil, in a dish rubbed with oil.

To roast the sweet potatoes, peel and cut into chips then toss in about a tablespoon of olive oil, place in a roasting tin and cook at 200c for about 40 minutes, turning with a spatula half way through.  The chips can be spiced up a little by adding half a teaspoon of paprika to the oil before tossing.

This is delicious served with home made tartar sauce; I love to make the sauce really chunky, it is a world away from even the best of the jarred varieties and absolutely worth making.

Vegan Almond Mayonnaise/Tartar Sauce

Vegan Almond Mayonnaise/Tartar Sauce

Follow the recipe for making almond milk, but make it thicker by using less water. The size of the chunks of gherkins and capers is entirely your choice, as is the amount you add, I have given a rough idea below.

Almond Mayonnaise

The Almond Mayonnaise can also be used in making coleslaw, but only make enough for the meal you are going to eat as this tends to go watery and not keep.

Now for something entirely different – how do you get super quality, more youthful skin without spending a fortune on dermabrasion, peels and expensive creams? The answer is simple and I will share it with you, in the next blog, along with a recipe for a fruit smoothie that is more alkaline than your average fruit smoothie.

Fruit Smoothie

Fruit Smoothie

About christinamitchelldesigns

"Living Life to the Full - Designing it One Step at a Time"
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