
8020living is all about ‘living life to the full,’ something that probably most of us would like to do but somehow don’t always achieve.

My name is Tina and I live, along with my husband Tim and our dog Mutt, in Nicaragua. We decided to move here just over a year ago to fulfil our desire to lead a simpler life and engage more fully in the voluntary work we enjoy.  Roughly every three months we return to U.K. to visit family and friends and to work as Complementary Health Practitioners.

Many friends and clients ask us about our life here, so this Blog will be partly about that – we are also regularly asked what do we do to maintain our own health given that we are travelling a lot and in many respects are living in a third world country with the health challenges that creates, so in this Blog we will also be sharing recipe ideas, things that we have found that work and also the supplements that we take.

8 Responses to About

  1. Hi Tina,

    Thanks for visiting and your blog sounds commendable with your desire to live a simpler life and help others. I’m going to follow your journey, although I do get behind, so please bear with me!
    Lauren 🙂

  2. 8020living says:

    Thank you for following Lauren – especially as you are obviously very busy. I’ll be happy to meet up every so often, Tina

  3. Sheila says:

    Thank you for visiting! I love hearing of adventures like these. That’s great that you decided to do volunteer work in Nicaragua. I look forward to hearing more about it.

  4. Naomi Mitcheosn says:

    Hey Tina, Thanks so much for all your help this month, already feeling so much better I will email you as I have a quick question but hope you have a lovely few months back in the sun x

  5. I found you as you posted on another blog about Nicaragua, and I knew I needed to follow you!!! I have a huge heart for Nicaragua! I have been three times since June, and am going back for two weeks in December. I love the people in Nicaragua as well. Do you have a picture of your house? I can’t wait to learn more about your adventures!!!! 🙂 I love the simple life approach !!!

    • 8020living says:

      Thank you for popping by. Sadly our time in Nicaragua has been cut short again. Maybe you are there at the moment, I hope you are having a wonderful time – I’m missing it already! Tina

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